Petey Forrest’s “tell all” How to Sound Like a Piano Virtuoso
- Play the melody in octaves then descend rapidly (0:00 – 1:31)
- Play a succession of 4-note chords in both hands (1:32 – 2:28)
- Play tremolos with 4-note chords and octaves (2:29- 3:34)
- Play tons of arpeggios (3:35- 4:26)
- Put them all together and use the pedal without shame (4:27-6:14)
Here’s an official Petey Forrest midifile of how I did it! hehehe!!!

Petey’s adlibbed MIDI example was performed and MIDI recorded by the artist himself for your listening pleasure! All four examples are separated by a short break in the file and then the finale (5) puts them all together in one ultimate self-indulgent performance. hehehe!
Note: This was performed on a Roland digital piano March 4th, 2000 (with Cakewalk 9.01) so the MIDI file will sound differently according to your computer’s soundcard piano sound.