I live in Ottawa, Canada and I often use the nickname Petey, Pete, Pierrot, or just Peter. I speak English and French and I can get by in German and Spanish. I am in my 50s and living vicariously through the ukulele in mid-life. LOL More than that, I am also playing piano and guitar and composing songs as well. You can follow my BLOG POSTS here for the latest info on me or click on the sidebar for the category (Piano, Ukulele, Lily, Miscellaneous, etc). I am back doing ukulele videos and will be soon recording some ukulele songs, piano songs, and blogging my sci-fi novel called Lily.
The ukulele has been my main focus since October 2006. I also love playing my Rickenbacker guitar, my Roland digital piano, and melodicas.
I used to be a librarian and I have collected many ukulele books. My home town is Sarnia, Ontario Canada and I also lived many years in Montreal.
Note: my former websites have more or less been incorporated into peterforrest.ca. If you are looking for one of them, click on the link below:

Cheers and happy strumming,
Peter Forrest
(Je parle également la langue de Molière de temps en temps)

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