Welcome back to the new UkuleleNorth.ca home! I’m Peter Forrest, and I’ve had to consolidate my old Linux hosted websites to a new WordPress secure-hosted modern site.
Here’s a quick link to My YouTube Channel called “Peter Forrest.” Ukulelenorth.ca is this blog home page now.
I’ve been playing ukulele since October 2006 and it’s been a wonderful journey. I used to blog my ukulele adventures on Ukulele North (and FaceBook) but I will use my new WordPress site to document my journey henceforth. Here is a very popular video of mine on Youtube:
What happened to Ukulelenorth.ca? (blog post) – I am integrating any former Ukulele North pages into my main WordPress peterforrest.ca as of October/November 2021. See below former Ukulele North pages revamped for my new blog:
My Ukulele Travel Song Projects about France, Germany, Hawaii, and England
My Ukuleles and recording software and hardware
My Sheet Music Library of original songs and folk songs
My Mentions in the Media and social media about my ukulele stuff
My Links? I’m sick of links pages these days. These should have died in the late 1990s. haha
NOTE: I also used to have a reverse chronological page with links to all my YouTube videos. I can recreate it if anyone thinks it’s useful since It allows you to browse the video names and dates without struggling through the YouTube pages. Let me know.