The House of Usher – Edgar Allan Poe

This is the new home of my former House of Usher, the first Edgar Allan Poe fan site on the Internet since 1995 known as

Screen shot of my old site's main page
Screenshot of home page

It became quite popular during the mid 1990s to a culmination in 2000 when I was featured in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper. I stopped updating it in 2011. The original purpose of the site was to bring Poe fans together and create a virtual library of all Poe-related links. It didn’t seem to be needed anymore since the advent of good Google searches and other fan forums. All I know is that I was one of the firsts on the “Poe-front” on the web since 1995 and it changed my life. In 1995, learning a bit of HTML code to create a web site was a rarity and getting one’s own internet service to host was not common.

The domain now forwards to this page. I’ve decided to re-activate the site’s library, songs, new books, and art links again on this site. Putting everything on my personal blog makes it very easy for me to maintain for the future.

I’m going to re-create these former popular pages on my House of Usher site where I got lots of submissions:

More items to come: